My name is Jesse Sandberg. I'm a dad, husband, DB Columnist, cyclist and a pirate from Finland.
- Work Work. I'm currently working at Oyj as a Database Administrator (DBA) / Linux system administrator / software developer.
- The odd jobs. Anything internet related I've got a itzy bitzy teeny weeny company called Netcode Oy. I've been tinkering with computers since C64 and web stuff since ~1995 and with GNU/Linux since 2002.
- ospi (?) was originally 'osprey' but it melded into 'ospi' in our Quakeworld clan's first meetups for easier comms. It stuck and has been my nick since (1996?) on IrcNet and few online games. (AnotherMUD, QuakeWorld TF, CS1.6, Battlefield 2, TF2, CS:GO, Eve Online, Ingress, PoGo, Clash of Clans and Brawl Stars.)